Saturday, January 25, 2014

Agency Additives

One of the most important things about working on a team is collaboration and cooperation. No matter what team you're working on it is always important to make sure that you can communicate and work proactively.
In many business settings leadership and teamwork is concluded by using the Four Colour personality system. Each colour represents your morals, values, work ethic, communication, interaction...etc.

Many organizations form their agencies or groups specifically so that at least one of each colour personality is represented. That way there is someone to organize, lead, focus on the facts, make sure that everyone's opinion can be heard and shared & finally brainstorm the creative ideas.

For my I am predominantly gold, then my green and blue are matched, then shortly after is my orange. Although I am a very highly creative person, more so in my youth when I had more free time and disposable income... I am the spitting image of a military Type-A organized, authoritative, optimistic worker. Someone goal oriented with the task always at hand and determined to give 120% at all costs.

Client's for Agency IMC

Our client is The Boiler Room Indoor Climbing Gym; and like all good ad agencies my team (classmates) and I spent a Friday afternoon getting to know their products/services. Yes, that means that I, Jessica did indeed attempt to climb a few walls, in a harness, a rope and safety lock for protection... expected to fulfill some sense of accomplishment and challenge by hauling and crawling over grades/rocks no bigger than a computer mouse.

I'll have to admit I was scared for my life, I don't like the idea of a rope keeping me save, having to climb up stubs fearing slipping and dangling by a harness wedgie & finally when your ready to come down u have to lean back and let yourself dangle by your harness wedgie after all! I'd rather go back to karate competitions and getting kicked in the stomach...

I will say despite having to actually climb myself, I did have fun getting to know the members of my team and doing some team building/bonding. We were one of the first teams to do so and I'm sure that once my initial de-stress-ification wears off we will continue to have more fun and produce amazing work - we already have so far.

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